Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newly Pregnant?

Congratulations! And Yes, it's overwhelming - so much to learn for the biggest responsibility of your life :-)  Here are some of our favorite Peninsula resources for prego parents:

Pre-Natal Fitness (San Carlos)
Once you're prego the fitness rules change - talk to your OB about your personal fitness level. We love this class in San Carlos taught by Patty Dougherty, C.C.E. (she also teaches birthing classes and is a doula, what a combo!) Pre-Natal fitness is a great way to start a healthy pregnancy and meet other local moms who will be your greatest support system. This class is held Mondays & Wednesdays 5:45-6:45 at the San Carlos Adult Recreation Center. (I'm still attending the post-natal class with my little guy as babies are welcome!)

Check out & Sign  Up for a Birthing Class Series:
They can fill up fast so make sure to allow yourself plenty of time....the last few months get VERY hectic! We like the Basic Prenatal Package at Blossom Birth in Palo Alto...there's nothing basic about it! It covers all your new parent needs and you will feel well-prepared for the arrival of your new little one.

Sign up for emails from Baby Center (online) that are customized for your due due (and baby's age after birth). They're so informative that it reduces a lot of frustration - we love them so much we forward to our husbands and the grandparents!

OBGYN / Hospital / Insurance Relationships:
You may love your OB but you may NOT love what it means to have your OB deliver your baby. Each doctor has different relationships with different hospitals where they have permissions to deliver babies. Make sure your doctor and your hospital preferences match. I switched my doc after 26+ weeks in order to deliver at Sequoia hospital instead of Standford. (more details on that in a future post). It was hard to give up the OB that I loved and had a relationship with, especially when over 1/2 way done with being prego: my advice is if you have to switch do it as early as possible.  Make sure your health insurance covers all of the OB and hospital costs (or as much as possible). A vaginal birth without complications can be $30,000 without insurance.

Books & Magazines:
You'll be in info gathering mode from some time now and here are some of our favorite books/mags to fill your coffee table:

What to Expect: Classic and thorough but can be kind of boring :-)
From the Hips: Comprehensive and open-minded, great visual aids too!
Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy: Laugh out loud funny, but can get a little negative, read in small excerpts.

Fit Pregnancy and Mom & Baby (same publisher), super fun, stay fit and review new products!
Parents Magazine: This was gifted to me (great gift) and I read it wayyyy more than I thought I would while pregnant....I thought it was only for after baby was born...wrong!
Bay Area Parent: what every local padre needs!

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